My apologies for not getting a Blog out last week.
For those who don't know, my husband and I took a road trip to Melbourne to visit friends and family. We left as soon as I got home from Opening Day and didn't get back until late Wednesday night. A busy week in Melbourne but a lot of fun and a nice mini break!
The weather continues to test us. Should we go out to the far ends of the course! Will the drizzle stop or will it develop into a real down pour?
Thursday 25th. We had a field of 24 players and amongst them there were a few eager to show off their golfing skills!
Janet Dunn has made her arrival in the Highlands known, coming in 1st with a great score of 38.
Sharon Rowe was 2nd with a very good score of 36. I understand there were a number of great "Kon" shots from Sharon in this round!
Chris Levy came in 3rd with another nice score of 33.
Friday 26th. Australia Day.
The women were well represented in this weeks 9-Hole Nugget Comp. Of the 52 total players 25 were women! Go Girls!
Maggie McKenzie led the women in with a lovely score of 19.
Helen Egan was a very close 2nd place getter with a score of 18.
Sally-Anne Ferguson took out the 3rd place in the women's group with a very respectable score of 16.
It is great to see so many of us getting out and enjoying the 9 hole comp.
Saturday 27th. There were only 7 women in this weeks competition.
Michelle Alcock was the winner in the women's comp with a score of 32.
Michelle Payne (visitor) took 2nd place with 29 points.
Lyn Soleness came in 3rd with 28 points.
The weather was still unpredictable and the heavy course obviously impacted on the scores. Well done to all of you who ventured out.
Tuesday 30th. There is nothing better than an fun Ambrose game to end the month.
Winning Team: Marg Anthony, Helen Balfe and Margaret Horwitz. Score 65.333
2nd Place: Carol Byrnes, Susan Harrison and Julie Skamperle. Score 66.167
3rd Place: Di Bradhurst, Jane Clifford and Janet Dunn. Score 67
We had 10 teams of 3 out playing and it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.
Wollongong Golf Day 26th March 2024
This is our day in Wollongong! BGC is closed for Renovations. So our amazing Ellen Neale has been busy making arrangements for as many of us who would like, to mix it up with a game somewhere else. Isn't it wonderful that we have such a great option. I am definitely looking forward to it.

Thank you Ellen for doing such a great job you are star!
FAIRBURN OPEN DAY 14th March 2024
This is an 18 hole Stroke Event
Cost is $50 per person and includes lunch.
Entries close Friday 8th March. The flyer is up in the locker room.
This is a 8:30 Shotgun start.
Cost is $50 and this includes golf and lunch
Registrations are via Try Booking and close on the 12th February.
POP IN GOLF DAY 24th March
There is still time to enter.
Cost is $125 per person.
If interested please contact Meeghan Bourne on 0419 008 111.
Women's Competition Payment $32. If you haven't already paid please do so as soon as possible. If you are paying by cash please give the money to a committee member. Payment can be made by EFTPOS at the bar but please let a committee member know you are making the payment so we can note the payment on our list.
CSGA Opening Day 15.02.24 Murrumbidgee Country Club.
We have a 5 women representing Bowral.
Pam Barker is playing in the Div 2 Championship.
Helen Egan, Jane Clifford and Suzanne Ayre are playing for the Diabetes Trophy.
Barb Clayton is also playing and mentoring the new Tournament Directors.
We wish them all the best of luck!
Until the next Blog, play well and I will see you on the Course.
Jan Tuite