Today 30 players turned out to honour the memory of our former President Bernadette Brown. Conditions were good even if the wind was a bit chilly.
Jane Kilmister (39) topped the field with a wonderful 38 points. It is great to see our newer players achieving so much in our competitions.
While we are unable to have a formal presentation at this stage, here is a photo of Jane with the Bernadette Brown Memorial Trophy.
Tuesday 14 July - Hi/Lo Foursomes
In order to offer you some variety in the games we play each week, we have changed the 14 July event to Hi/Lo Foursomes.
This team event requires that one player with a handicap between 0-26 teams up with a partner whose handicap is in the 27-54 range. Hence the term Hi/Lo.
Please note: the few bookings already in the system for this day have been cancelled and you will need to rebook. Annie Geddes is coordinating the day and if you need help finding a partner in the appropriate handicap range I am sure she can arrange a bit of match-making.
The format will be similar to regular foursomes events except that in line with Covid-19 protocols players will not share a ball. You will still play alternate shots, but instead of hitting your partner's ball when it is your turn to play, you will place your own ball within 30cm and play your shot.
Scoring for Team Events
Have you been wondering why we need you to record your individual scores in recent team events? For example in a 3BBB event you would normally just record the best score for your team on each hole and at the computer enter team scores for the front nine and back nine. If there are teams with equal scores the Pro-shop would undertake a countback based on the individual holes recorded on the cards.
Under the current Covid-19 restrictions players destroy their cards once the scores have been entered. This does not allow for any follow up action. When we enter our individual scores, the computer not only calculates your team score for you, but also undertakes any countbacks required.
We need to be flexible and understand the changes required in these unusual times!
Slow Play
Recently there have been a few instances of slow play creeping into our rounds. Even though our competition start times are currently more spread out than when we all needed to be in for formal presentations, this does not mean that we don't respect other normal conditions of play. Remember it is your responsibility to keep up with the players in front of you. In this way everyone finishes in a reasonable time and can get in out of the cold winds we are likely to experience over the next couple of months.
Jane Clifford
Women's Captain