Kathy Barnsley Hcp 19 30 points
Bev. Kemp Clayton 32 30
Marissa Duggan (Kog) 31 27
Noela McMurray 36 25
Stephne Whiteway 29 22
Congratulations Kathy - Winner
Ladies stableford results for Saturday 30th July 2010
Kathy Barnsley Hcp 19 30 points Bev. Kemp Clayton 32 30 Marissa Duggan (Kog) 31 27 Noela McMurray 36 25 Stephne Whiteway 29 22 Congratulations Kathy - Winner Ladies & Gentlemen what a great day. The weatherman could not have been kinder, the course was immaculate and there were good golf scores. An eagle on the 15th for Sam Hunt. Don't get too cocky Sam remember you were hitting from the ladies tees and using your normal index - but well done , what a boost for your team score.
The Winners were: Shirley & John Brereton, Fran & Grahame White - 95 points Pam & Don Barker, Carole & Alan Turpie - 94 points Balls went to 85: Bill & Wendy Pope,Uschi & Robert Eriksson - 91 points Wendy & Doug Ruttan, Anne Vitou & Sam Hunter (MV) - 90 points Neville Ridge, John Connolly, Bev Clayton, David Stanley - 90 points Robyn McGinnes, Susie Crawford, Anne Geddes, Jenny Ogg - 89 points Kevin & Wendy Burke, Peter & Anne Keys - 86 points Jenny Grant, Ray Smee, Sue & Ray Bywater (Cronulla) - 85 points NTP - 14th Hole - Ladies - Judy Mawbey, Men - Peter Keys Long Drives - Men - Ralph Polglase Ladies: Div 1 - Wendy Ruttan, Div 2 - Pam Tallents & Div 3 - Pat Donoghue. Please log onto the Social Page Blog by Elena Barry for details of other parts of the day . Again THANK YOU to all who participated be it players, visitors, staff , the tee hitters Damian & Craig ( the more you paid the better shot you got)etc. To raise in excess of $6,000 in today economic conditions had blown the ladies committee away. Marj Webb fro the local support group for Parkinsons was very pleased. PENNANT NEWS : The Emily Hurt team have done it again. A win on Friday at Queanbeyan against Murrumbidgee 3/2. There were some hard fought matches and nail biting finishes. Thank you to the team. Two matches to go - we are equal 2nd at present. Two wins will see us play in the final again at Queanbeyan (Unfortunatley - a difficult course in the best of times). Pam Barker.
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Ladies the Medal Round and associated events which were to be played on 21st July have been rescheduled for Thursday 4th August in conjunction with the Medal of Medals. If of course you win a medal on this day you are automatically entered into the Medal of Medals event.
Don't forget to rebook The original time sheet is on display. If you are still playing leave your name on the sheet. If not delete it please. Any additions will need to be added to the sheet. Please ensure that you book in the correct division. 1st Tee - Division 2, 10th Tee - Division 1 followed by Division 3. The Marjorie Walker Memorial Rose Bowl which was to have been played on 4th August, having been reschedlued due to bad weather from 16th June will now be played on 8th September in lieu of the 4BBB. All divisions this daywill play Stroke. We look forward to seeing you all on Charity Day- A few prayers for fine weather willnot go astray. Pam Barker - Lady Captain
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Ladies - they've done it again. Another win to the Bowral Team.
Today the ladies defeated Yowani at Belconnen 3 1/2 - 1 1/2. Carole your team needs to be congratulated. The scores were : Carole Turpie - won 5/3, Pat Donoghue - won 7/6, Uschi Eriksson - Won 4/3 Jenny Grant - squared her match and Rosemary Downing - lost 2 down. Next week they play at home. You are all welcome to come to the club and enjoy the event. Bowral Matches start at 9.30 with Bowral playing against Royal Canberra. RC must be worried they have told me they are coming the day before for a practice. I have received complaints from other members regarding SLOW PLAY.
I must bring to your attention Rule 6-7 Undue Delay; Slow play. There are provisions for penalties to be applied if you are guilty of this offence. Your Committee do not want to impose Penalties but if SLOW PLAY persists we will have no other option. If you have lost a fairway you are guilty - you MUST call through or get on your bike and peddle faster. Rule 6-7 allows for many options on each offence. Please DO NOT put your committee in the position where we must take action. Be aware of your position in the field and if you cannot keep up - CALL THROUGH. Play the Ball as it lies Play the course as you find it And if you can't do either, do what is fair But to do what is fair, you need to know the Rules of Golf. Pam Barker - Lady Captain
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Friday the team travelled to Yowani to play against Capital Golf Club.
The team came away with a square and should be congratulated for their fine efforts. Scores were : Carole Turpie - Square, Rosemary Downing - Won 6/5 well done Rosemary, Anne Vitou - won 1 up also well done, Pat Donoghue and Uschi Eriksson the stars of the last few games had to give way to better opponents and lost 7/5 and 6/4 respectively. Anyone who has played match play realises that you cannot always win but provided you did your best that is all we can ask. Next week they head bact to Canberra to play at Belconnen - another locely but challenging course. Keep up the good work ladies. Pam Barker - Lady Captain.
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Jan Tuite
Photos from D.Hilgart, Lee Edwin Coursey, lauren.topor