The winner today was Judy Windybank with 37 points.
NTP 14th: Helen Chadwick
Congratulations to Judy whose handicap dropped to 22 putting her into Division 1.
Another lovely sunny day enjoyed by the 10 ladies who played. We had 2 visitors from Branxton Golf Club joining us today.
The winner today was Judy Windybank with 37 points. NTP 14th: Helen Chadwick Congratulations to Judy whose handicap dropped to 22 putting her into Division 1. Division 1:
Nett Winner & Medal Winner: Alex Dowling 64nett Runner Up: Stephne Whiteway 70nett Scratch Winner: Alex Dowling 80 Putts: Maggie McKenzie 26 Vets: Alex Dowling Division 2: Nett Winner: Helen Chadwick 65 c/b Runner Up: Robyn McGinnes 65 Scratch Winner: Helen Chadwick 93 Putts: Judy Windybank 25 Vets: Helen Chadwick The Monthly Medal cannot be awarded on a count back so Helen Chadwick & Robyn McGinnes will play off for the March Monthly medal in the next scheduled stroke round. Today Sue Olson & Bev Kemp Clayton played off for the February Division 2 Monthly Medal and Sue was the winner with 74nett. Division 3: Nett Winner: Shirley Brereton 71c/b Runner Up: Uschi Eriksson 71 Scratch: Shirley Brereton 108 Putts: Shirley Brereton 30 Vets: Shirley Brereton The Monthly Medal cannot be awarded on a count back so Shirley Brereton & Uschi Eriksson will play off for the March Monthly medal in the next schedule stroke round. Ball Rundown: Pam Tallents 67, Sally Knackstedt 70, Pam Barker 71, Judy Windybank 71, Anne Keys 71, Wendy Burke 72, Penny McKenna 72, Marcia Jackson 73, Sue Olson 74, Annie Chabert McKay 74c/b. Pro Pin: Shirley Brereton $63 The starters sheet for the next medal round on 11th April is in the locker room. The Bronze Shield Pennants team played their first match on Friday 22nd March against Royal Military College GC at RMC with the result a 4/1 loss. It is always difficult to play a team on their home course. Another lovely day to play golf. 21 ladies played in the 18 hole competition and 3 in the 13 hole competition.
Winner of the 18 hole competition was Jill Scott with 35points Balls to: Jane Clifford 34, Fran White 33, Penny McKenna 33, Wendy Ruttan33, Anne Keys 33, Jenny Ogg 32c/b. The pro pin was not won so will jackpot to Tuesday 2nd April. The winner of the 13 hole competition was Jeannette Schofield with 27 points. Eighteen ladies played on Tuesday in the 18 hole competition.
Winner: Di Mellen 37points c/b. It was the 1st time Di had competed in the 18 hole competition on Tuesday so congratulations Di and we look forward to seeing you often on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Balls to:- Marcia Jackson 37, Barbara Westwood 37, Jan Ferguson 36. Pro Pin:- Marcia Jackson $30 The 13 hole competition was won by Anne Spiden with 23 points. The Bowral Goulburn Shield competition was held at Goulburn on Tuesday. BOWRAL WON 6/5. It all came down to the last match again, so very exciting. Congratulations team. Alex Dowling, Anne Geddes, Judy Windybank, Pam Barker, Leonie Carroll, Noela McMurray, Helen Chadwick, Carole Turpie, Rosemary Downing, Shirley Brereton, Jan Clifford, Trish Boyd. INVITATION DAY We had a very good roll up today for our annual Invitation Day, 64 players. The weather was great and the course looked lovely and green. Some of us were even lucky enough to go over the new bridge on the 3rd. Competition Winners: Jenny Beer, Louise Dally, Margaret Horwitz, Judy Windybank 90 c/b Runners Up: Pam Tallents, Jan Ferguson, Sue Welch, Sue Cross. 90 Bowral Team Winners: Sue Olson, Bev Kemp Clayton, Pat Donoghue, Annie Chabert-Mackay 93. Balls to: Wendy Pope,Val Bunter, Pam Barker, Lyle Kyte 89. Leonie Carroll, Debbie Collins, Stephne Whiteway, Jan Haskins 88. Carole Turpie Margaret Vooght, Marcia Jackson, Helen McCathie 86. Sally Knackstedt, Susie Crawford, Jan Southon, Faye Frith 82. Robyn McGinnes, Irene Gilbert, Brenda Campbell, Eddie Jeffery 82. Straightest Drive: Visitor-Helen McCathie. Member- Wendy Burke & Jane Clifford eq NTP 6th: Visitor- Meg Grady, Member- Faye Frith. NTP 2nd Shot on 15th: Visitor- Margaret Horwitz, Member- Judy Windybank. The 1st round of the Bronze Shield Pennants is being played tomorrow at Royal Military College Canberra. The Team is Pam Barker, Leonie Carroll, Jenny Grant, Helen Chadwick & Carole Turpie(Captain). The draw for the 2nd Medal Round is in the locker room. If you need your name added or deleted please ring me. Field of 7 today. The winner with 35points was Helen Martin.
NTP 14th - Stephne Whiteway. The Bowral Goulburn Shield will be played on Tuesday 19th at Goulburn. The team is:- Division 1(0-23) Alex Dowling, Anne Geddes, Wendy Ruttan, Judy Windybank. Division 2(24-32)Leonie Carroll, Noela McMurray, Helen Chadwick, Carole Turpie. Division 3(33-45) Rosemary Downing, Shirley Brereton, Jan Clifford, Trish Boyd. As I mentioned in a previous blog the CHALLENGE BOWL MATCH PLAY DRAW is up in the locker room. Remember that all MATCH PLAY IS PLAYED FROM THE PLATES. 30 Ladies played at Bowral today. Winner Division 1(0-25): Anne Geddes 33pts Runner Up: Irene Gilbert 32pts Division 2(26-35): Robyn McGinnes 38pts Runner Up: Sally Knackstedt 35pts Divisiion 3(36-45): Trish Boyd 31pts Runner Up: Uschi Eriksson 29 pts NTP's 14th: Division 1: Toni Clark Division 2: Pat Donoghue Division 3: Jane Clifford PRO PIN: Pat Donoghue $55 The draw for the CHALLENGE BOWL MATCH PLAY will be up in the locker room on Saturday. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE RESULTS FROM THE CSGA OPENING DAY. ![]() Stephne Whiteway receiving the Diabetes Trophy from Trish Smith at CSGA Opening Day at Murrumbidgee Golf Club. Stephne had a 69nett, she also won overall best nett on the day and was the Division 2 Scratch winner with 91. ![]() Rosemary Downing receiving the Division 3 Champions Trophy from CSGA President Trish Smith. Rosemary had the best scratch score 110 of all division 3 Champions competing in the event. Pam Barker placed 3rd in Division 2 Scatch with 98.
The rest of us who played were there to cheer for our Bowral Winners. Seventeen ladies played in the 18 hole competition today. The Winner with 39 points was Stephne Whiteway.
Balls to Helen Martin 35, Anne Keys(the birthday girl) 34, Helen Chadwick 33. Pro Pin: Stephne Whiteway $33 plus $21 carried over from Tuesday 26th February. Our first 13 hole competition was held today, the winner with 25points was Pam Barker. Seven Bowral ladies are heading down to Murrumbidgee Golf Club in Canberra to play in the CSGA Opening Day on Thursday. Good luck ladies. Lovely warm weather again. It was the final day of GolfNSW Summer Meeting today so a number of ladies were playing in the Teams event at various courses.
We had 15 ladies playing in our Stableford competition and the Winner today with 32 points was Barbara Clayton. Balls to:- Judy Windybank 31, Penny McKenna 26, Gloria Campbell 25, Anne Keys 24c/b. On Wednesday 6th Sue Olson & Beverley Kemp Clayton were the Scratch Winners in the Division 2 Foursomes of the GNSW Summer Meeting played at Bowral with a score of 100. Congratulations ladies. Today the only results for the teams event of GNSW Summer Meeting are those from Moss Vale. The team of Anne Geddes, Robyn McGinnes, Leonie Carroll & Wendy Burke finished with +9 putting them just behind the winners who scored +10. Well done ladies |
Jan Tuite
Photos from D.Hilgart, Lee Edwin Coursey, lauren.topor