You will have to bear with me as I struggle to put my brain into a different gear.
The Bronze Shield Pennant team have started their matches. First match was at Queanbeyan against Royal Military College and I must report that the soldiers got the better of us beating us 3/2. The next week was a winner - BGC winnig against Queanbeyan at Fairbairn - 3/2 . Anne Keys was our star. Anne had to give 7 shots and won her match 8/7 - congratulations Anne.
Friday 26th March we play Highlands at Highlands. Could be an interesting day on their home course, but we will wear our pink shirts with pride.
Open days at other clubs are always fun days.
Last week 12 ladies ventured to Jamberoo for their St Patricks day Harball Ambrose event. "Wear GREEN" they said, so one of the team wore green hair and green fingernails. They were mentioned in dispatches and also won the nearest the pin for the 3rd shot on a par 4. The ball sat on the lip of the cup and would not drop for a birdie. Congratulations to Pat Donoghue also for winning the raffle - a beautiful crystal encrusted shamrock ball marker.
This week we ventured afar again to Tully Park at Goulburn. Tully is a small club run by volunteers and our support is always welcome.
Golf winners included Jill Scott & Leonie Carroll and again supporters of the raffles came home with many goodies.
Watch for the next great day away - Antill Park Charity Day in April. The french pastries and cream cakes are worth driving to Picton to enjoy.
Tuesday 30th March is our Autumn match against Goulburn at Goulburn. 12 players have been selected to represent BGC in 3 divisions.
Enjoy the day ladies, play your hearts out, and may we retain the Shield.
22nd April we are holding our Open Championships. This year we have applied to Women's Golf NSW to hold a Jean Derrin Event and Senior Order of Merit Event in conjunction with the Championships with the idea of attracting ladies from afar. A draw sheet will be available in the locker room.
With the new Slope System and Handicap changes due to start on 9th April remember to look on Golflink. We expect most players to blow out a shot or two. This could change the Divisions in which you compete. If you require further information relating to this change please see a Committee member or logon to Golf Australia's website for all the information.
As Easter approaches and the schools close for the Autumn break, may the ladies who have grandparent duties enjoy their days. Remember at the end of the holidays you can always hand them back - till next holiday.
To all the lady members I appreciate the support you are showing me in my role as Captain - I think I am busier now than when I worked full time.
Remember - carry your rule book - if in doubt ask.
Pam Barker- Captain Lady Members Bowral Golf Club.