Barbara McCarthy Trophy:Today Pam presented the replica trophy for the Barbara McCarthy trophy from 2017 to Leonie Carroll. The replica was delayed due to the ill health of the donor Pam Hall, but has finally been received. Here is Leonie receiving her ‘belated’ award:
Tuesday Stableford: Sue Olson scored 35 points to claim today’s event, from Uschi Eriksson (33 c/b). Michelle Di Natale scored some nice pocket money from the jackpotted Pro Pin at $57.50, and Chris Hill took the NTP 2nd shot on 4th hole. 23 players took part.
Saturday Stableford: Julie Jeffrey was the $20 voucher winner with 32 points.
Next week (Thursday) is the Mabel McKenzie Veterans Stroke event, and will also serve as the playoff for the recent medal round tie, between Faye Frith and Cathy Maule.
Club Medal Round 3 (and Golf NSW Medal) will be on 10th May. Entries are open online. Please note that the draw will be done on Monday 7th, when tee times will be allocated.
Please ensure to check your tee time after Monday 7th,and be at the tee at least 15 minutes prior in case of withdrawals and players being moved up in the field. This is VERY important to ensure the timely and fair conduct of this event!
Bowral WOMEN’S OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Stroke event in Three Divisions is being held on 24th May. A SIGN UP SHEET for entries is now in the locker room. Entry forms will be sent as far afield as we can by email, but please promote to your golfing friends to join us for this prestigious event! Members pay $30 (includes lunch) and visitors $40(including lunch). It is a seeded draw by division, possibly off two tees if sufficient entries.
Barbara Clayton
Women’s Captain