Marjorie Walker Rosebowl (Thursday 7 November)
This annual stroke event is open to Division 2 players. The trophy is a magnificent Rosebowl. A rose donated by the Mittagong Garden Centre is also presented to the winner on Closing Day.
This year we had a very exciting tie between Robyn McGinnes (26) and Di Mellen (30) both with nett 77. I was privileged to then accompany them both while they completed a four hole playoff as specified in the event Conditions of Play. Robyn emerged as the eventual winner. Congratulations to both of you.
Medal of Medals (Thursday 7 November)
We play six medal rounds during the year (in three divisions) and each medal winner is then eligible to compete for the Medal of Medals. Not only does the winner receive a silver medal their name will also be placed on the Medal of Medals Honour Board in the clubhouse.
2019 provided 14 individual medal winners with 10 competing on the day. Chris Hill (19) and Rosemary Downing (34) both came in with the best scores of the day - nett 76. The Conditions of Play for this event specify that the result will be decided at the next scheduled stroke round in this case Thursday 14 November.
Ultimately Rosemary was our winner with a nett 79.
Well done to both players - it is great to see such close results. The photo shows Chris Hill (left) Rosemary Downing (centre) receiving her medal and myself.
Prosper Ellis Salver (Thursday 14 November)
Twenty eight players today competed for the final trophy event of the year.
The winner was our President Barbara Clayton (21) with nett 74. This was also a very close result with Barb winning on a countback from Di Lindsay (29).
Here is Barb receiving the Prosper Ellis Salver.
Damian Gair's Farewell
We were all very sad to see Damian leave the club to pursue new ventures and wish him luck. The course is a credit to him and his team.
We had hoped that we could make a presentation to him after golf on Thursday but he planned to quietly slip out on the 13th. On behalf of all our women players Annie Geddes and Barbara Clayton arranged a couple of special presentations.
Annie presented a lemon tree on our behalf and Barb provided the cake for Damian and his team. Both gifts were very much appreciated. Here are photos of our two presents we provided on the day.
Bowral Goulburn Shield (Tuesday 19 November)
We were honoured that the Goulburn team travelled to Bowral on Tuesday to stage a replay of this round of the event. We all wanted to play the event to honour our dear friend Uschi Eriksson.
The Bowral team of Marg Horwitz, Annie Geddes, Chris Hill, Carol Warner, Jill Scott, Carole Byrnes, Leonie Carroll, Jane Clifford, Helen Chadwick, Ellen Goodwin, Anne Keys and Rosemary Downing played so well the final result was 10.5 to 1.5 to Bowral. I have had the honour of rehanging the shield on the wall for another 6 months.
Here are most of the players from our winning team - Jane, Rosemary, Marg, Leonie, Carole, Jill, Helen, Ellen, Carol and Chris.
Legacy Charity Golf Day (Saturday 16 November)
Golf, a flag-raising ceremony and dinner with this year's guest speaker Dr Brendan Nelson all form part of this special charity day wonderfully supported by the Bowral Golf Club. If you haven't played in this event before please consider doing so in the future. 6 day players are welcome and the funds support such a great case.
What a fun day this is - golf always seems easier once you have visited the Mash2576 tent between the 5th & 11th greens.
106 players participated with the women flying the flag with 28 players.
The day was very well organised with players competing in individual stableford events as well as 4BBB team events.
Noela McMurray (40) won the individual stableford with 34 points on a count back from Helen Chadwick (26).
Both players featured again for the 4BBB event with Noela McMurray (40) and Jenny Ogg (22) winning with 44 points from Helen Chadwick (26) and Robyn McGinnes (26) with 39 points.
Upcoming events
Tomorrow (26 November) our Club Champion Annie Geddes and our Division 2 Champion Ellen Neale will compete for their respective District Champion of Champions trophies at Moss Vale Golf Club. Good luck to both of you - we will be thinking of you!
Thirteen other players (and possibly more) will at the same time be playing in the Combined Christmas Cheer at Moss Vale. Teams of 3 will be made up of players from Bowral, Highlands and Moss Vale. This event is 15 holes of stableford with the best two scores counting - shotgun start at 9:00 so be there at 8:30.
Don't forget we will be holding our Annual Meeting at 2pm on Thursday 28 November. Please stay after golf or come in to support your new committee. If you are unable to attend there is a sheet for apologies in the locker room.
Closing day is fast approaching (Thursday 5 December). This will be a shotgun start so get your team together and put your names on the sheet in the locker room. Outrageous outfits are to be encouraged so get planning. Golf and lunch is $50 while lunch only is also available for $32.50. Make sure you come along to celebrate our year together and congratulate all our trophy winners when we do the presentations.
Jane Clifford
Women's Captain