What a truly fantastic week we have had, both with the weather and some brilliant golf happening on our beautiful course. Huge congratulations to all the women who have scored over 40 points. I would particularly like to congratulate Noela McMurray on scoring a wild 42 points last Saturday - does this "gal" ever give up? Noela's words were ..... "I am thrilled to bits!"
Please read below the other amazing scores this week.
You have all received the email from Kevin regarding the Club's Vaccination Policy.
Good morning Members, as outdoor gathering numbers for fully vaccinated adults have been increased to five, we will, from Monday 27th September revert to playing in 3's and 4's for fully vaccinated players only - all other players must still play in 2's until further notice. We now have the additional feature within the MiClub Golf Management System so that staff can record your vaccination status once and update your details accordingly, this will display an icon on the timesheet (for administrator/staff view only).
Please make sure you email your Vaccination Certificate to either Kevin or Tim, or, alternatively, show your certificate to the Pro Shop Staff.
If for any reason you cannot have the vaccination, please email Kevin directly and he will advise accordingly. If you still wish to play in pairs, due to health or other reasons, please also contact Kevin.
It will be great to get back to playing in 3's and 4's - we have missed the chat!!
HOWEVER..... ALL OTHER RESTRICTIONS ARE STILL IN PLACE - 1 person per cart, no swapping scorecards, no touching the flagstick etc.
When you pick up your scorecard from the Pro Shop, please take a moment to:
- Check the type of competition we are playing and on which course
- Have we got Preferred Lies?
- Your Handicap
There have been a few requests for a 200 meter distance marker on the 8th Hole - your concerns have been heard, and one will be in shortly.
Well I think we are almost over Covid and the Lockdown. Only a few more weeks to go until, hopefully, the "stay at Home" restrictions are lifted. We can then pop into the Clubhouse after golf for a chinwag.
It is lovely that we can now have picnics with 4 other people. In fact, I was on the phone to one of our lovely women members at lunchtime today, and she was sitting in the park with 4 friends enjoying a glass or 2 of wine and a picnic. No names, No pack drills ....... but GOOD ON YA DI!!
I think we can all relate to this.....
There are several local shops that we girls love to patronise, but unfortunately, at the moment are closed. The owners of these shops are doing it tough - rent to pay, merchandise to pay for and no customers. Can we help?? YES. Please check out the whiteboard on the easel in the Women's Locker Room for information on how to contact and support these retailers.
- ALDI – The French pure linen sheet sets advertised for this week are fabulous but they may not appear for a while as management wants to avoid the ‘rush’ aspect of shopping for the most popular items due to Covid. They will appear - but who knows when. If you like linen sheets, as I do , grab them when you can! They are a really good generous fit and I have never had to iron which is what most of us are concerned about with linen. Wonderful colours so don’t miss out. Warm in winter and cool in summer. My feeling is they will just appear without further notification.
- ALDI – A really tasty little treat that is perfect for lunch with a salad is the box of 2 Potato Rosti Baskets. They are in the freezer section above the frozen chips etc. Make sure you follow the directions on the packet and heat them slowly. Thanks KK for telling me about these gems as I hadn’t tried them until recently.
- THE SHAGGY COW - This very popular Mittagong restaurant is providing picnic hampers which sound amazing, just ask our Tim who recently tried the hamper for two for approx. $50. I think it’s a wonderful idea and on such expert recommendation I thought you should all be informed! Thanks Tim.
Things are starting to look up so shed the Winter Blues and do some fun shopping!
Jane x
Jane has been inundated with members wanting help buying shoes. One of our lovely women members bought 3 pairs from the CINORI website!! Again, no names, no pack drills - but we can't wait to see them Jenny O!!!!!
The men seem to love your Winners too Jane - a great job!!
A little different this week ... RandA Golf definitions. This was a good suggestion from Virginia as sometimes we forget what particular things mean in Golf. There is a sheet on the Noticeboard with some of the definitions, but please click on the following to access the full gamut www.randa.org/definitions
Just a friendly reminder, not to "Hit Up" on the players in front of you, and "Don't lose a Fairway".
Saturday 18th September. Stableford - NOELA'S DAY! Winner with 42 pts - Noela McMurray. Very close on her heels was Jill Scott with 41 pts. The first 6 players scored 39 + points!
Tuesday 21st September - Stableford. Winner with 44 pts was Penny Cuffe. R/U with 41 pts (c/b) - Emma Fernandez. Chris Levy also had 41 pts and Jane Whittaker scored 40 pts.
Thursday 23rd September - Stableford on White Course. Winner with 42 pts - Carole Turpie. R/U with 41 pts (one of newest members) - Bronwyn Lyne. Andrea Tomlin, Chris Levy and Anne Keys also scored 40 pts.
Tuesday 28th September - Stableford
Thursday 30th September - Stableford, 2nd Rd of Donkin Cup. The first Rd was played in February.
Saturday 2nd October - Stroke
Tuesday 5th October - Stableford on Blue Course
Thursday 7th October - Split 6's.
It would be terrific to see as many women members playing as possible on that day to support our Lifestyle Women Members.
Enjoy the Spring weather, picnics, the Wallabies tomorrow night and the run on the golf course!!