Trish Boyd has been added to 16th Hole therefore Leonie Carroll is now playing for the Presidents team.
Jan Lane has been added to the 18th Hole representing the Captains team.
Thank you - Pam Barker
Ladies there are a couple of changes to the starting sheet.
Trish Boyd has been added to 16th Hole therefore Leonie Carroll is now playing for the Presidents team. Jan Lane has been added to the 18th Hole representing the Captains team. Thank you - Pam Barker The ladies played a single stableford and the winner was : Robyn McGinnes with 36 points, Runner Up was Beverley Kemp Clayton - 34 points. What a beautiful day to be on the golf course.
Forty nine players took part in today event to celebrate Australia Day.
The event was an Aussie Team stableford (being an Irish in reverse) The winners were: Sally Knackstedt,Bill Metcalf, Fred Sewell & Ken Farquhar - 106 points Runners Up: Brian Lamb, Brian Hanrahan, Stephne Whiteway & Jenny Ogg - 102 points Balls to: Ruttans & Popes, Barkers & Windybanks, Southons, Ian McKenzie & Gilliam Brosell, Ron Campbell, Julie Robson, Bev Kemp Clayton & Ian McKenzie . As you can see Ian was a swinger today. NTP - Men - Bruce Windybank, Ladies - not won. The Best Dressed team was won by : Stephne ( Mrs Lamb) Jenny, Brian Lamb & Brian Hanrahan. Stand ins for the paradewere accepted. A great BBQ cooked by, Don Barker, Bruce Windybank Bill Pope & Doug Ruttan was had by all. Thank you to all the cooks,runners, suppliers of food and of course the staff. The following is the draw for Ladies Opening Day - 2nd February - 8.00 for 8.30am shot gun start.
If you did not put your name on the starters sheet and would like to player please ring Pam Barker. DO NOT ask the Pro shop to put you on the sheet. Presidents Team Captains Team Hole 1 - A Keys / W Burke P Barker / R Downing Hole 2 - J Windybank / G Young S Knackstedt / M Tyree Hole 3 - P Tallents / J Clifford B Kemp Clayton / S Brereton Hole 4A- A Dowling / J Ogg H Martin / F Frith Hole 4B- W Ruttan / N McMurray M McKenzie / A Vitou Hole 5 - J Southon / F White S Vicars / F Stapelfeldt Hole 6 - S Keenan / P Donoghue A Geddes / B Clayton Hole 10 - I Gilbert / U Eriksson J Scott / W Pope Hole 13 - G Campbell / M Dawkins S Whiteway / A Chabert McKay Hole 16 - H Chadwick /L Carroll A Lingard / Trish Boyd Hole 17 - R McGinnes / P McKenna C Turpie / P Jenkins Hole 18 - G Almaide / S Olson M Jackson / Jan Lane If a team is incomplete (i.e. less than 4 players) the President & Captain will be the swingers for their respective teams. There will be NO handicapping on this event. If you are playing in a cart please contact one of the four players and if possible share your cart. A copy of this draw is available in the locker room. Beautiful, overcast weather - what more could you want? - of course a good score.
5 ladies played todays stroke round. The winner with a nett score of 75 was Pam Barker, Runner Up was Jan Southon- 76. Count your putts was also won by Pam Barker with 24 putts. Today the ladies played an Aggregate Stableford Event.
The winners were : Helen Chadwick & Jill Scott - 69 points Balls to: Wendy Pope & Wendy Burke - 65 points Sally Knackstedt & Suzie Crawford - 65 points Anne Geddes & Carole Turpie - 62 points Robyn McGinnes & Judy Mawbey - 62 points Stephne Whiteway & Marcia Jackson - 62 points and Jan Southon & Julie Robson - 61 points on a c/b. NTP - Div 1 - Wendy Ruttan, Div 2 - Faye Frith, Div 3- not won. Today was also the last day for Judy Mawbey. Judy kindly shouted the bar - Thank you Judy. We all wish you well in your northern adventures. There were discussions today regarding the various games of golf currently in the fixture book. Until the start of our golfing year - 2nd February there will be no handicapping on novelty events. After 2nd February some novelty events will be rescheduled as "singles in conjunction". A reminder of a few forthcoming events: Australia Day -26th January - An Aussie Team stableford and BBQ - book on computer Thursday 2nd February - Ladies Opening Day - book in locker room Friday 3 February - 12 Hole Golf and BBQ - BBQ sheet on easel at bar. Sunday 19 February - Captain v Captains team event - book on computer. CHANGES TO THE LADIES FIXTURE BOOK Tuesday - 21st February - Aggregate Stableford - singles in conjunction Tuesday - 17th April - 3 Person Hartball Thursday -19th April - Single Stableford Thursday - 17 th May - Single Stableford Tuesday - 31st July - Aggregate Stableford - singles in conjunction Thursday - 11th October - Single Par Event Thursday - 18th October - Stroke Goulburn have requested a change of date for our Autumn challenge at Goulburn. The new date is Tuesday 20th March. The home game will be a Stableford event. Tuesday 27th March - Will now be a single Stableford event. Please make these amendments in your fixture book. Well done Shirley Brereton (again) with a score of +2 on a count back from Jill Scott. 21 Ladies played today in perfect weather. The handicapper took to a few players today, so please check your handicap before playing on Thursday.
Australia Day - 26th January - is a mixed event followed by a BBQ. If you are playing early please return for the BBQ and presentation. Opening Day - is around the corner. A draw will be done next week to select the two teams - Captain v Presidents. The draw will be in the locker room and we will attempt to put it on the computer as well. This Thursday is your last chance to have a drink with and say farewell to Judy Mawbey. Judy leaves us next week to start a new life in Queensland. We wish her well and as soon as she settles we will all be there for holidays.
Thank you Judy for being a great part of the Bowral Golf Club. Last Thursday 27 ladies played in 2 divisions. Div 1 was won by Anne Keys with
37 points and Div 2 by Pamela Tallents with 39 points. Well done ladies. Saturday - 14th January . 11 Ladies played today including a visitor from Pymble - Sandy Kimberely. Noela was the winner with 35 points and Helen Chadwick scores NTP on the 14th. Irene Gilbert & I are still looking for the Invalid ladies (Irene's name for them) to take part in Opening Day celebrations. Please contact either Irene or myself. Congratulations to Wendy Burke for a fine 41 points today. The handicapper has got her again.
As Opening Day comes closer we are aware that there are some lady members who at present are not able to play the full 18 hole, mainly for health reasons. If you are one of these ladies please contact Pam Barker or Irene Gilbert as we are trying to incorporate a special event on Opening Day for you to take part in. Irene & I have identified about 15 ladies who could fall into this category. If you are one or know of one please let us know. It will be a fun event around the 18th green and the practice putting green. Pam Barker |
Jan Tuite
Photos from D.Hilgart, Lee Edwin Coursey, lauren.topor