The winner was : Judy Maude with 40 points - well done Judy we hope to see you in the 18 hole competition more often.
Balls to: Anne Vitou - 38, Jill Scott- 36, Sally Knackstedt & Faye Frith - 33 & Barbara Clayton - 32.
After 3 weeks of jackpotting the Pro Pin was won today by Jane Clifford - $117.
Nice shot Jane.
Thursday 15th August is Wattle Day and Open day for other clubs to come and enjoy the Bowral Golf Club. We have 42 players on the sheet at present. If you would like to play please put your name on the sheet no later than Thursday when the draw will be announced.
The Club Foursomes Championships booking sheet is in the locker room. Please read the Conditions of Play prior to entering your name of the sheet.
A reminder for the CSGA Annual Tounament. This is only held in the Southern Highlands every 6 years. A good tournament where you can choose to play from 1 to 3 days. Entry forms are in the locker room. The dates are 16.17.& 18 September 2013. Please advise Pam Barker if you are playing as Bowral Golf Club will enter a team in the various events.
Good golfing ladies and keep warm.