The Winners today were Carole Turpie & Faye Frith with +8
Runners Up: Maggie McKenzie & Jan Lane with +7
Ball Rundown: Wendy Ruttan & Anne Vitou +5, Mackie & Knoll(Shoalhaven Heads) +4, Sally Knackstedt & Penny McKenna +3, Toni Clarke & Judy Windybank +2, Jan Ferguson & Helen Chadwick +2, Jill Scott & Barbara Westwood +2 c/b.
NTP 14th Div 1.(0-22) Helen Martin. Div 2(23-32) Pam Barker, Div 3(33-45) Pat Donoghue
Pro Pin: Pat Donoghue $72
Todays winners and the runners up will progress to the CSGA district final of the 4BBB Classic at Yowani Golf Club on 29th August.
This will be my last blog as health reasons make it impossible for me to continue as Captain. I would like to thank the present committee and previous committees that I have had the pleasure of working with over the past 4 years and 8 months for their support and friendship. Also many thanks to all the ladies I have enjoyed playing golf with on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A special thank you to Pam Barker for taking over as Captain until October.