The Winners were:
Shirley & John Brereton, Fran & Grahame White - 95 points
Pam & Don Barker, Carole & Alan Turpie - 94 points
Balls went to 85:
Bill & Wendy Pope,Uschi & Robert Eriksson - 91 points
Wendy & Doug Ruttan, Anne Vitou & Sam Hunter (MV) - 90 points
Neville Ridge, John Connolly, Bev Clayton, David Stanley - 90 points
Robyn McGinnes, Susie Crawford, Anne Geddes, Jenny Ogg - 89 points
Kevin & Wendy Burke, Peter & Anne Keys - 86 points
Jenny Grant, Ray Smee, Sue & Ray Bywater (Cronulla) - 85 points
NTP - 14th Hole - Ladies - Judy Mawbey, Men - Peter Keys
Long Drives - Men - Ralph Polglase
Ladies: Div 1 - Wendy Ruttan, Div 2 - Pam Tallents & Div 3 - Pat Donoghue.
Please log onto the Social Page Blog by Elena Barry for details of other parts of the day .
Again THANK YOU to all who participated be it players, visitors, staff , the tee hitters Damian & Craig ( the more you paid the better shot you got)etc.
To raise in excess of $6,000 in today economic conditions had blown the ladies committee away. Marj Webb fro the local support group for Parkinsons was very pleased.
PENNANT NEWS : The Emily Hurt team have done it again. A win on Friday at Queanbeyan against Murrumbidgee 3/2. There were some hard fought matches and nail biting finishes. Thank you to the team. Two matches to go - we are equal 2nd at present. Two wins will see us play in the final again at Queanbeyan (Unfortunatley - a difficult course in the best of times).
Pam Barker.