Todays event was Par. A good field of 25 (18hole) and 6 (13 hole) players and about 30 plus players from Cronulla Golf Club on the course. Great to see the course being used to it's full extent.
13 Hole Competition: Winner : Judy Maude - 28 points.
18 Hole Competition: Winner : Jenny Grant - +1 c/b
Balls to: Helen Chadwick - +1, Irene Gilbert & Jill Scott - Square, Toni Clarke - -1,
Carole Turpie & Sue Olson - -2, Jan Ferguson - -3 c/b from 3 other players also on -3.
Pro Pin was won by Annie Jones - $30. Well done Annie
UNITY CUP DRAW: These are the teams to play at Moss Vale next Tuesday 25th June. When I receive the tee times I will notify one player from each group.
1. Stephne Whiteway / Sandy Short
2. Anne Geddes / Pat Donoghue
3. Jill Scott / Rosemary Downing
4. Maggie McKenzie / Noela McMurray
5. Irene Gilbert / Faye Frith
6. Anne Keys / Wendy Burke
7. Gloria Campbell / Wendy Pope
8. Pam Barker / Jenny Grant
9. Leonie Carroll / Beverley Kemp Clayton
10. Helen Chadwick / Robyn McGinnes.
If for some reason you CANNOT make this date please advise me ASAP.
It came to my attention this afternoon that some ladies did not play as they thought the field was full. This is NEVER the case. We will always find a tee time for members - just call me.
Pam Barker - Lady Captain