I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year.
I would like to welcome everyone back and look forward to a year that sees the club move on from what can only be described as a very difficult year (2023) for many.
The New Committee is now in place, and I am so pleased to be working with this very competent group of ladies.
Womens Committee of 2024
President Christine Levy
Captain Jan Tuite
Vice Captain Jane Whittaker
Secretary Diana Bradhurst
Committee Members Sharon Rowe
Meeghan Bourne
Sonia Bleakley
We all know the most successful clubs have a membership that is involved and supportive. The new Committee wants to hear your comments, suggestions and concerns. We want to implement any changes that will provide our membership with a programme that encourages positive interaction between members and lets us enjoy our golf.
The Committee has plenty of planning and organising to do and here are a few of those things that you should know about:
- Our Opening Day is on February 1st and is a 4 BBB Stableford match. We will be finalising all the plans at our upcoming Committee meeting and will circulate details as soon as available. We hope this will be a fun day so please come along and support the start of the Women’s Golf Year.
- 2024 Pennants. It is now the time to think about putting yourself forward to represent the club. Bowral will be hosting games for both teams, and we will call on members not playing Pennants to provide morning tea and to act as spotters on the day. The dates for these games are Plate April 18th and Bronze Shield March 1st.
- Nominating a new Veteran Women’s Golf Association Delegate for 2024. If you would like more information on what this involves, please contact me.
- Federal Golf Club Open Day is February 8th. Entries close on the January 30th.
- CSGA Opening Day is February 15th at Murrumbidgee Country Club, entries open on January 4th and close on the February 9th.
Now that we have all packed away our Christmas decorations, it is time to dust of our golf clubs and get out on the course for a game!
See you out there!
Jan Tuite