Our thoughts go out to everyone who have family or friends in Victoria. What a time they are having. I noticed in yesterday's GNSW newsletter that even the golf courses are closed!
I mentioned in last week's Blog that the Match Play index is on the "old" scorecards. Well .... the index is now on the back of the new MiClub cards. Good luck to the girls who are still playing matches! 2nd round of the Challenge Bowl has to be played by 6th June.
The men (and a few women) have been working terribly hard on the 8th and 9th Holes. All is looking pretty good for us to get back to normal next week.
Mind you - I think a few of us have been enjoying getting 5/4 on the 8th!!
Here are 2 happy gals achieving such a score yesterday!!
Rules - 9 Hole Quiz For answers see Noticeboard!!
Question 1
A player is penalised if his caddie gives wrong information as to the number of strokes the player has taken and the error is not corrected before the opponent makes his next stroke.
A - True
B - False
Question 2
In a competition played in groups of two, a player's marker leaves the course due to illness and the player joins the following group for the remaining holes. He reports to the Committee on completing his round. The Committee may only approve a change of group before it happens, so the player must be disqualified.
A - True
B - False
Question 3
A player stands out of bounds to play a ball that lies in bounds, but has interference from an immovable obstruction that is outside the boundary of the course. The player takes relief from the immovable obstruction and plays the ball. The player has proceeded correctly.
A - True
B - False
Question 4
The line of play is part of the conditions affecting the stroke.
A - True
B - False
Question 5
A player hits her shot out of bounds from the fairway. When dropping the ball under stroke and distance, she must drop the ball as near as possible to the spot from where the last stroke was made, no nearer the hole.
A - True
B - False
Question 6
A player makes a practice swing and accidentally moves her ball in play on the fairway with her club. What is the ruling?
A - There is no penalty but the player must replace the ball.
B - The player gets one penalty stroke and must replace the ball.
C - There is no penalty, but the movement of the ball counts as a stroke and the ball must be played as it lies.
Question 7
A caddie is always permitted to give their player advice.
A - True
B - False
Question 8
As a player is about to replace his ball on the green, he accidentally drops the ball on his ball marker and causes the marker to move. What is the ruling?
A - No penalty and the ball or ball marker must be replaced on its original spot.
B - The player gets one penalty stroke and must replace the ball marker.
C - The player gets one penalty stroke and must replace the ball in the marker's new position.
Question 9
In a singles match, player A concedes player B's short putt for a 4. Player B then attempts to hole out and misses the short putt. Player A claims the hole. What is the ruling?
A - Player B loses the hole.
B - Player A can withdraw the concession and B is considered to have holed out in 5.
C - The concession stands and player B has completed the hole in 4 strokes.
Good luck to all the pairs in Sunday's FINAL of the Mixed Foursomes Championships and the Wooton Trophy.
Saturday 22nd May - Stableford. Winner with 34pts c/b - Wendy Burke. R/U - Jenny Ogg - 34pts.
Tuesday 25th May - Stableford. Division 1 Winner - Jenny Ogg with 37pts.
R/U - Jan Ferguson - 35pts c/b.
Division 2 Winner - Ellie Scott with 39pts.
R/U - Penny McKenna with 36pts.
NTP - 2nd Shot on 4th - Div 1 - Robyn McGinnes
NTP - 2nd Shot on 4th - Div 2 - Rosemary Downing
Thursday 27th May - Stableford. Winner - Jill Malone with 39pts
R/U - Virginia Wozniak with 38pts
NTP - 2nd Shot on 12th - Andrea Tomlin
Pro Pin - Annie Geddes - $45
Tuesday 1st June - 3BBB Stableford
Thursday 3rd June - Par
Saturday 5th June - Stroke
Tuesday 8th June - Stableford on White Course. Bowral/Goulburn Shield @ Goulburn. See Noticeboard for team.
Thursday 10th June - Medal Rd 4/ McLeish Cup Rd 2.
Please check the online calendar for any changes to events in June/July.
It's great to see our new members playing golf, having lessons or just having a cuppa. A big welcome to you all!!
Don't forget if you would like to have a few holes please contact myself, Carole Turpie or any member of the committee - we are all happy to help.
Happy Golfing Everyone. See you next week!
Don't forget this..... on MONDAY 31ST MAY
Annie Geddes
Women's Captain