Welcome to Barbara Capper from Blackwood Golf Club in Sth Australia.
The winners : Wendy Pope, Sally Knackstedt & Julie Robson - 84 points
Balls to:
Shirley Brereton, Helen McCathie & Marcia Jackson - 80 points
Faye Frith, Uschi Eriksson & Jennifer Ogg - 79 points.
Pro Pin went to Julie Robson - $54/ Well done Julie. It's nice to see it spread around.
Thursday 30th August - although it is the Medal of Medals you DO NOT have to be a medal winner to play. It is a regulare Stroke round with the M of M in conjunction.
Thursday 23 August the 3BBB Team head of to Belconnen for the CSGA District Finals. Play well but above all enjoy yourselves.